This is a static archive of taken on October 30, 2024.
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Articles that will be displayed on the home page

Kings and Queens and Scary Things

By Linda Elissalde
What a gorgeous evening for the October 26, 2024 Big Store’s annual GHOST ON THE COAST! A brightly shining sun showcased beautiful, unique and very scary things. Count on The Big Store, aka, The Gulf Coast market to mount another successful presentation. Planning began long before the event. Employees were out early

Get Ready for Halloween Fun

Costumes, Trick-or-Treating, and Spooky Celebrations!
Halloween is just around the corner, bringing with it spooky fun, costumes, candy, and festive celebrations! Kids (and adults!) love donning their favorite costumes, from superheroes to witches, while even pets get in on the fun with adorable costumes ranging from pumpkins to hot dogs. Trick-or-treating is a long-standing

The Bond of Blood is Stronger Than Anything

By Elinor Tinsley
Well folks, it’s that time of year again for our semi-annual blood drive. Bay Vue Methodist Church in conjunction with the Eagles 3719 are sponsoring an indoor blood drive at 1411 Hwy 87 in Crystal Beach, this Friday from 1:30 – 5:30 PM. Use the link below and sign up in about two minutes. Walk-ins are welcome but it’s great to

Early Voting times

Early voting for the November 2024 General Election is now underway:
Joe Faggard Community Center
1750 Highway 87
Crystal Beach

Daylight Savings Time

A Look at Its History, Benefits, and Current Practice in the U.S.
Daylight Savings Time (DST) is just around the corner, with clocks set to “fall back” on Sunday, November 3, 2024. This biannual practice has a history in the U.S. dating back to 1918, when it was first introduced as a way to conserve fuel during World War I. It became widely

Readiness and Hazard Mitigation

Galveston County Unveils Strategic Plan for Bolivar Peninsula
At a recent Bolivar Peninsula Readiness and Hazard Mitigation Meeting, the Galveston County Office of Emergency Management (GCOEM) unveiled strategic initiatives aimed at boosting community preparedness and resilience in response to natural

What to Do with Your Pumpkin After Halloween

More Than Just Smashing It!

Halloween’s over, and that jack-o’-lantern on your porch? It’s looking more like a squash than a smash hit. But don’t be too quick to toss it. Here are some ideas to give it a proper farewell — with a few pumpkin “smashing” suggestions, of course.

Birthday Sweethearts

By Linda Elissalde
Rita Moseley generously wants everyone to have a happy birthday. Since both Laura Bryan and Ellie Pollard were born in October, Rita decided to have a party in honor of this special occasion. Rita found a date that fit both ladies’ calendars. Hughston’s newly opened restaurant was the venue. Laura and Ellie’s admirers

Recreational Boating Safety – Stand By for the Following Message

Bob CurrieBy Bob Currie, Recreational Boating Safety Specialist
U. S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Station Galveston Flotilla
There are valid reasons for not following ships and boats closely. This column will address how to use your judgment to maintain a proper distance between your boat and other vessels in a following situation.
Rules of the Road: Overtaking (Rule 13)

Captain Jeff Brandon Fishing Report, 10-29-24

Captain Jeff Brandon Fishing ReportBy Captain Jeff Brandon
Surface water temperature 75 degrees, water clarity has been extremely good for East Galveston Bay this past week. We have experienced lighter than average winds, allowing us to fish all over the bay system. We fished off the shore oyster reefs this week with good success on Trout and Reds, as well as we targeted grass shorelines

Go Go Go

By Georgia Osten
We hit Florida with a bang! We arrived at our destination noon-ish on Friday, and met the rest of the family at Texas Road House for dinner. Thank goodness I brought “Texas” T-Shirts to represent our fine state! Stayed up Friday evening to watch all 10 innings of Game 1 of the World Series. So far so good!

Upcoming Events

Click on image for more information

Tuesday, November 12
COC Annual Meeting

Wednesday, November 13
Fall Fashion Show

Saturday, November 30
Christmas Market

Saturday, December 14
Chamber of Commerce Crystaland Parade

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