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Fabulous Fish Fry – No 7 or 8

By Linda Elissalde
Somebody, somewhere, somehow knows how many annual Fish Frys Bay Vue United Methodist Church (UMC) has created. There seems to be agreement that they started in 2015. There was one back before IKE. Did Bay Vue skip one because of COVID-19 in 2020? Oh well, it really does not matter. The 2022 Fish Fry was just as marvelous as all others.

Sherry Morgan termed church Fund Raisers as “Fun Raisers”. That is because they bring so much pleasure for members and participants. The Saturday of Father’s Day Weekend is on many a Bolivarian calendar. Cindy and Steve Wright drove back just to help with the venue. Rita Moseley always heads up the Desserts Committee. She should. That lady can turn out sweets. Cherry Cobbler was the delicacy of choice this year.

The men who fry that crispy fish always bring in a first batch for the ladies to check. I do not mean to imply, nor you to infer, that we act like buzzards, but we take no prisoners when it comes to grabbing our bites of hot, fresh, secret recipe fried fish. It goes on and on from there. Everyone pitches in with whatever talent they can offer. Finance Chairperson Sandi Covington reported that 206 folk used the Drive-In Take-Out service while 70 guests mingled inside to enjoy food and fellowship.

Once again, the Bay Vue UMC Annual Fish Fry Number 7 or 8 was a grand success. We plan on repeating it next year. Mark June 17 (Father’s Day Weekend) on your 2023 calendar. You do not want to miss Bay Vue UMC’s FABULOUS FISH FRY NUMBER 8 OR 9!


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