This is a static archive of taken on October 30, 2024.
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Who Brought Money $$

Georgia's Sand BucketBy Georgia Osten
Another glorious day at the beach, if you’re under a canopy or out in the water. I take that back, treading out to the second sand bar is always a little scary if you ask me, I can’t believe I did it all on my own. Afterwards, sitting in the safety of shade of the canopy, looking out at that guy who asked us to “move over.” Watching him bring in a little shark first, then a little hammerhead shark next, then watching him bring in an eel. Wait a minute! You mean all those creatures are out there with us? Holy Mackerel!

The Littles are required to wear life vests, but we don’t always require the Middles unless they’re going out in the kayaks. Everybody wears hats and sunscreen though. What a wonderful time we had. We stayed out longer than normal, knowing that the nice clean pool was waiting for us, such a welcome change from the sand and salt.

All of a sudden all 9 kids began running in together from the surf. We thought sure Something had touched them! All adults looked up waiting to hear what the drama was.

Then, we heard the ice cream truck jingle, sure ‘nuff, they were on a rampage to stop the truck. “Who brought money?” Some of us have learned to come down to the beach with empty pockets. Not Grandpa Mike though … He said cheerfully, “I’ve got some money.” $45 later, all the little sopping sticky children went to Grandpa to hug him and thank him for the goodies.

It’s always great to have all the Fam, the house was bulging, as it should be.


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