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Fishing and Tide Report Mar-26-2012

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors

Summary: The Black Drum run is in full swing now with anglers catching lots of keeper-eater drum to 27inches- March rains caused heavy brackish tides this last week but bay waters salting back up to normal salinity levels for improved fishing tides.

Speckled Trout- With surf temps warming into the mid-70s and salinity levels getting back to normal the speck action in the surf should heat up – when tides allow anglers using soft plastics nailing good specks from 3 to 7lbs- Night lighting is just around the corner  – (Size and Limits- 15inches to 25inches for 10 specks with one 25incher per day when added as part of the daily limit)-

Redfish- Some cut action but mostly surf anglers catching steady reds when fishing beyond the 2nd or 3rd sandbars-  (Size and Limits- 20inches to 28inches for 3 reds- with one over 28inches when tagged in addition to the 3 fish daily slot-limit)-

Flounder- Slow but steady flounder action for anglers fishing rollover bulkheads or bay-(limit- 14inches minimum for 5 flounder per day)-

Black Drum-    Excellent drum action with anglers catching lots of drum to 27inches- REMEMBER drum OVER 30inches MUST be released -( Limits- 5 per day at 15- 30 inches)

Sheepshead- A few sheepshead being caught within the pass- (Limits- 15 inches minimum with 5 allowed per day)

Sand/Gulf Trout –  A few nice gulf trout coming in on shrimp- (no limits-)

Whiting/Croaker- A few croaker but some really nice whiting in the surf- but the whiting action is HOT in the surf mainly along High Islands beach- ((Limits-No Limits)-

Special note-  For updated fishing reports go to Face Book of Miss Nancy’s Bait Camp or call 484-560-9323 —

Tides for Rollover Pass TX starting with March 26, 2012.
Day        High      Tide  Height   Sunrise    Moon  Time      % Moon
/Low      Time    Feet    Sunset                    Visible

M   26      Low   3:27 AM     0.2   7:11 AM    Rise  9:21 AM      9
26     High  11:26 AM     0.9   7:31 PM     Set 11:21 PM
26      Low   1:34 PM     0.8
26     High   8:18 PM     1.0

Tu  27      Low   4:11 AM     0.2   7:10 AM    Rise 10:03 AM      15
27     High   8:40 PM     1.1   7:31 PM

W   28      Low   5:14 AM     0.2   7:09 AM     Set 12:13 AM      23
28     High   6:43 PM     1.1   7:32 PM    Rise 10:49 AM

Th  29      Low   6:49 AM     0.2   7:08 AM     Set  1:03 AM      31
29     High   6:57 PM     1.1   7:33 PM    Rise 11:39 AM

F   30      Low   8:24 AM     0.2   7:07 AM     Set  1:50 AM      40
30     High   7:04 PM     1.2   7:33 PM    Rise 12:33 PM

Sa  31      Low   9:33 AM     0.1   7:05 AM     Set  2:35 AM      50
31     High   6:52 PM     1.2   7:34 PM    Rise  1:29 PM
31      Low  11:03 PM     1.0

Su   1     High   1:35 AM     1.1   7:04 AM     Set  3:17 AM      60
1      Low  10:32 AM     0.1   7:34 PM    Rise  2:29 PM
1     High   6:44 PM     1.1
1      Low  11:26 PM     1.0

M    2     High   3:10 AM     1.1   7:03 AM     Set  3:57 AM      70
2      Low  11:25 AM     0.2   7:35 PM    Rise  3:30 PM
2     High   6:37 PM     1.1
2      Low  11:47 PM     0.9

Tu   3     High   4:31 AM     1.2   7:02 AM     Set  4:36 AM      79
3      Low  12:16 PM     0.3   7:36 PM    Rise  4:33 PM
3     High   6:30 PM     1.0

W    4      Low  12:06 AM     0.7   7:01 AM     Set  5:14 AM      88
4     High   5:42 AM     1.3   7:36 PM    Rise  5:37 PM
4      Low   1:05 PM     0.4
4     High   6:29 PM     1.0

Th   5      Low  12:25 AM     0.5   7:00 AM     Set  5:53 AM      94
5     High   6:48 AM     1.4   7:37 PM    Rise  6:44 PM
5      Low   1:56 PM     0.6
5     High   6:33 PM     1.0

F    6      Low  12:51 AM     0.4   6:58 AM     Set  6:34 AM      98
6     High   7:52 AM     1.4   7:37 PM    Rise  7:52 PM
6      Low   2:49 PM     0.8
6     High   6:39 PM     1.0

Sa   7      Low   1:24 AM     0.2   6:57 AM     Set  7:18 AM      99
7     High   8:57 AM     1.4   7:38 PM    Rise  9:02 PM
7      Low   3:47 PM     0.9
7     High   6:49 PM     1.1

Su   8      Low   2:03 AM     0.1   6:56 AM     Set  8:06 AM      98
8     High  10:06 AM     1.4   7:39 PM    Rise 10:11 PM
8      Low   4:58 PM     1.0
8     High   7:00 PM     1.1

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