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Fishing Report & Tide Chart For Rollover Pass, TX August 6 to Aug 13, 2012

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
Summary: Last weeks action was on and off for anglers seeking trout, reds, or flounder- tides controlled the bite. Sandy green outgoing tides produced trout and reds on the Gulf side and in the surf with incoming tides giving up nice reds and flounder for bay side anglers. Drum, gaff top, and whiting took up the slack on dirty water tides. Early morning bay tides provided good action for rollover bay waders fishing for reds, trout, and flounder.

Click here for Rollover Fishing Pictures

Speckled Trout– Good to Excellent for most who night fished or hit the cut for the early morning action. Mid day outgoing tides provided plenty of action but very few keeper trout with anglers catching mostly chicken specks.  Chicken specks  are illegal to keep.  However, a few nice specks were landed with one 27incher caught.  Early surf action was great.  The drowning of one wader who ventured out too far in the rip current put a damper on most wade fishing action.  Please,WEAR YOUR PFD’s waders. (Size limits- 15inches to 25inches for 10 specks with one 25incher per day when added as part of the daily limit).

Redfish– UNFORTUNATELY literally hundreds of illegal rat reds are in the pass hitting everything from live to dead to plastics. Lots of dead rat reds floating on outgoing tides for sharks to feed on. Fortunately nice keeper reds to 28inches were also caught. Just be careful with your redfish measurements to avoid heavy fines.  (20inches to 28inches for 3 reds- with one over 28inches when tagged in addition to the 3 fish daily slot-limit).

Flounder– Hit or Miss with flounder.  Bay side bulkheads and bay flats produced nice flatfish when the bite was on.  Finger mullet or Berkley Gulps were on the flounder menu.  (limit- 14inches minimum for 5 flounder per day).

Black Drum- GOOD for anglers fishing cut baits, live baits, or squid. REMEMBER- ALL drum under 14inches and over 30inches MUST be released, NO TAGGING. ( Limits- 5 per day at 15- 30 inches).

GAFF-TOP -Live baits are doing the job for gaff top anglers (limits-14inch minimum no creel limit).

Sand/Gulf Trout – A few nice sand trout when biting with most sandy action at night under lights (no limits).

Whiting/Croaker– EXCELLENT whiting with a few nice croaker mixed in. (No Limits).

Crabbing – CRABS~ARE GOOD- Come and get em!!!- (Blue Crab limits- must be 5inches across carapace -(point -to-point) no creel limits.  ALL SPONGE CRABS (egged females) MUST BE RELEASED.

Stone Crabs– Right claw only is kept if two are present- Stones with but one claw must be released- Right claw must be 2 ½ inches from the knuckle before being kept.

Shark – Surf loaded with ankle biters with a few butt chompers to 4ft coming in for 3rd bar casters and night anglers Best baits are cut mullet or stingray (limit- 1 at 24inches).

Special note– For updated fishing reports go to Face Book of Miss Nancy’s Bait Camp or call 484-560-9323.

Tides for Rollover Pass TX starting with August 6, 2012.

Day High Tide Height Sunrise Moon Time % Moon

/Low Time Feet Sunset Visible

M 6 Low 4:39 AM 0.7 6:38 AM Set 11:00 AM 84

6 High 9:57 AM 1.0 8:04 PM Rise 10:43 PM

6 Low 5:52 PM 0.3

Tu 7 High 9:59 AM 1.1 6:39 AM Set 11:55 AM 76

7 Low 6:35 PM 0.2 8:03 PM Rise 11:18 PM

W 8 High 10:04 AM 1.1 6:40 AM Set 12:49 PM 68

8 Low 7:22 PM 0.2 8:02 PM Rise 11:55 PM

Th 9 High 10:01 AM 1.1 6:40 AM Set 1:43 PM 58

9 Low 8:13 PM 0.1 8:02 PM

F 10 High 7:55 AM 1.2 6:41 AM Rise 12:35 AM 49

10 Low 9:08 PM 0.1 8:01 PM Set 2:35 PM

Sa 11 High 8:20 AM 1.3 6:41 AM Rise 1:18 AM 39

11 Low 10:01 PM 0.0 8:00 PM Set 3:26 PM

Su 12 High 8:41 AM 1.3 6:42 AM Rise 2:04 AM 30

12 Low 10:52 PM 0.0 7:59 PM Set 4:15 PM

M 13 High 8:54 AM 1.3 6:43 AM Rise 2:55 AM 22

13 Low 11:40 PM 0.0 7:58 PM Set 5:02 PM

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