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Fishing report & tide chart for Rollover Pass TX Dec 10 to Dec 18, 2012

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
Summary: Warming weather patterns this past week kept flounder run fluctuating from high to low with many limits caught on both tides. Red fish were fewer but steady with many bull drum caught and sometimes released. I’m amazed at how many anglers confuse the drum with the red fish. Red fish over 28” must be tagged and drum over 30” RELEASED! If not released (as several anglers learned the hard way) you WILL be fined.  Besides, black drum over 30” aren’t very tasty. After the Incoming frigid front we should see the final runs of flounder which will include the really big saddle blankets to 30 plus inches.

Click here for this weeks fishing pictures

Speckled Trout:
Slow but night anglers still catching some keepers with a few being caught in the early morning. (Size limits, 15 to 25 inches for 10 specks with only one over 25 inches per day as part of the daily limit).
Red fish:
Mostly gulf side of cut and surf producing bulls and slots. 20 inches to 28 inches for 3 reds, with one over 28 inches when tagged as part of the 3 fish daily slot-limit.
Still GREAT flounder action with many limits caught from 14″ to 24″. This weeks frigid cold front should get the final flounder runs moving thru the cut.
Black Drum:
Lots of bulls being caught sometimes released. I’m amazed at how many anglers confuse the drum with the red fish. Red fish over 28” must be tagged and drum over 30” RELEASED! If not released (as several anglers learned the hard way) you’ll be fined. Besides, black drum over 30” are wormy and not very tasty. REMEMBER, ALL drum under 14 inches and over 30 inches MUST be released. (Limits- 5 per day at 15-30 inches).

Sand/Gulf Trout :
Slow but a few still being caught (No limits).

Bull Whiting are in the cut and the surf with croaker catches almost nill(No limits).

Large crabs are still CRABBING anglers baits so come and get them PLEASE!

Blue Crab:
Size/Limits: must be 5 inches across carapace (point to point). No creel limits, BUT ALL SPONGE CRABS (egged females) MUST BE RELEASED.

Stone Crabs:
Right claw only is kept if two are present. Stones with only one claw must be released. Right claw must be 2-1/2 inches from the knuckle before being kept.
Stingaree Marina and Bait Camp Report
For More Info Call (409-684-9530) or (484-560-9323) When winds allow boaters getting out on east bay catching good specks, reds, and sand trout. Kayakers doing well for flounder and reds when fishing the salt marshes-

Special note– For daily updated fishing reports go to Face Book @ Miss Nancy’s Bait Camp or call 484-560-9323 —

Tides for Rollover Pass TX starting with December 9, 2012.

Day High Tide Height Sunrise Moon Time % Moon

/Low Time Feet Sunset Visible

Su 9 High 1:35 AM 1.0 7:00 AM Rise 2:47 AM 26

9 Low 9:51 AM -0.1 5:17 PM Set 2:13 PM

9 High 6:30 PM 1.0

9 Low 10:56 PM 0.9

M 10 High 1:50 AM 1.0 7:01 AM Rise 3:53 AM 17

10 Low 10:28 AM -0.3 5:17 PM Set 3:00 PM

10 High 7:51 PM 1.1

Tu 11 Low 11:11 AM -0.4 7:01 AM Rise 5:01 AM 9

11 High 9:02 PM 1.2 5:17 PM Set 3:54 PM

W 12 Low 11:58 AM -0.5 7:02 AM Rise 6:08 AM 3

12 High 10:08 PM 1.2 5:17 PM Set 4:54 PM

Th 13 Low 12:48 PM -0.6 7:02 AM Rise 7:13 AM 0

13 High 11:05 PM 1.2 5:18 PM Set 5:59 PM

F 14 Low 1:40 PM -0.6 7:03 AM Rise 8:12 AM 0

14 High 11:48 PM 1.2 5:18 PM Set 7:07 PM

Sa 15 Low 2:33 PM -0.5 7:04 AM Rise 9:05 AM 3

15 5:18 PM Set 8:14 PM

Su 16 High 12:15 AM 1.1 7:04 AM Rise 9:51 AM 9

16 Low 3:27 PM -0.4 5:19 PM Set 9:19 PM


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