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Fishing Report & Tide Chart For Rollover Pass, TX Dec 3 to Dec 10 2012

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors

Summary: This past week gave credence to the Rollover Pass alias “Flounder-Pass” with anglers catching many quality flounder from keeper to saddle blanket sizes. Night anglers fishing under lights were able to box flounder, reds, and some exceptional trout to 26 inches. Daytime provided slot and bull reds to 43 inches on the Gulf side with bay side anglers keeping busy with the flounder run. Happy anglers with smiles all around.

Click here for this weeks fishing pictures

Speckled Trout:
Mostly night time action under lights with some day time action in the early morning. (Size limits 15 to 25 for 10 specks with only one over 25 per day as part of the daily limit).

Steady red action on the gulf side for slots and bulls to 43 inches (20 inches to 28 inches for 3 reds with one over 28 inches when tagged as part of the 3 fish daily slot limit).

EXCELLENT with the flounder run in full swing now with anglers boxing quality keepers and saddle blanket sized flatfish.

Black Drum:
Good to fair action on drum from keeper eaters to bull drum size. REMEMBER, ALL drum under 14 inches and over 30 inches MUST be released. (Limits, 5 per day at 15 to 30 inches)

Sand/Gulf Trout :
Good sandy and gulf trout action. (No limits)

Small croaker but excellent whiting in the cut and surf. (No Limits)

CRABS are still CRABBING anglers baits so come and get them PLEASE!

Blue Crab:
Size/Limits: must be 5 inches across carapace (point to point). No creel limits, BUT ALL SPONGE CRABS (egged females) MUST BE RELEASED.

Stone Crabs:
Right claw only is kept if two are present. Stones with only one claw must be released. Right claw must be 2-1/2 inches from the knuckle before being kept.

Stingaree Marina and Bait Camp Report:
When wind allows Boaters doing well over reefs and shell-banks for sandys, specks, and reds with kayakers enjoying flounder and reds along the protected salt marsh areas. Bird action is early and late.  For More Info Call (409-684-9530) or (484-560-9323)
Special note:
For daily updated fishing reports go to Face Book @ Miss Nancy’s Bait Camp or call 484-560-9323


Tides for Rollover Pass TX starting with December 3, 2012.

Day High Tide Height Sunrise Moon Time % Moon

/Low Time Feet Sunset Visible

M 3 High 1:41 AM 1.2 6:55 AM Set 10:29 AM 84

3 Low 3:43 PM -0.1 5:16 PM Rise 9:52 PM

Tu 4 High 1:17 AM 1.2 6:56 AM Set 11:05 AM 76

4 Low 4:29 PM 0.1 5:16 PM Rise 10:47 PM

W 5 High 1:04 AM 1.1 6:57 AM Set 11:41 AM 68

5 Low 5:19 PM 0.2 5:16 PM Rise 11:44 PM

Th 6 High 1:05 AM 1.0 6:58 AM Set 12:16 PM 58

6 Low 8:32 AM 0.6 5:16 PM

6 High 12:14 PM 0.7

6 Low 6:16 PM 0.4

F 7 High 1:13 AM 1.0 6:58 AM Rise 12:43 AM 47

7 Low 8:54 AM 0.3 5:16 PM Set 12:52 PM

7 High 2:27 PM 0.7

7 Low 7:28 PM 0.6

Sa 8 High 1:23 AM 1.0 6:59 AM Rise 1:43 AM 37

8 Low 9:20 AM 0.1 5:17 PM Set 1:30 PM

8 High 4:42 PM 0.9

8 Low 9:21 PM 0.8

Su 9 High 1:35 AM 1.0 7:00 AM Rise 2:47 AM 26

9 Low 9:51 AM -0.1 5:17 PM Set 2:13 PM

9 High 6:30 PM 1.0

9 Low 10:56 PM 0.9

M 10 High 1:50 AM 1.0 7:01 AM Rise 3:53 AM 17

10 Low 10:28 AM -0.3 5:17 PM Set 3:00 PM

10 High 7:51 PM 1.1

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One Response to “Fishing Report & Tide Chart For Rollover Pass, TX Dec 3 to Dec 10 2012”

  1. “Fishing Report & Tide Chart For Rollover Pass, TX Dec 3 to Dec
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