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Fishing Report & Tide Chart For Rollover Pass TX July 9 – July 16, 2012

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors

Summary:  Night time trout action excellent!  Day time trout action early morning; Most of last week had night anglers boxing limits by 4am.  Day time action mostly in the surf with waders dodging hungry shark to take trout to 26″ on top-waters. Cut anglers were taking lots of drum, croaker, whiting and gaff top with a few keeper reds.

View Rollover Pass Fishing Pictures

Speckled Trout– Excellent for night anglers with prime hours for specks from mid-night to 4am. Daytime action fair to good in the cut on live baits. (Size and Limits: 15″ to 25″ for 10 specks with one 25″ per day when added as part of the daily limit).

Redfish– Lots of illegal rats were caught with most being released. Note to anglers- THEY’RE NOT CROAKER FOLKS BECAUSE THEY “CROAK” WHEN CAUGHT.  PLEASE release them! Very few keeper reds were caught.  (20″ – 28″ for 3 reds, with one over 28; when tagged in addition to the 3 fish daily slot-limit).

Flounder– SLOW.  Mostly night along the bulkheads or gigging on the flats. (Limit- 14″ minimum for 5 flounder per day).

Black Drum-  Good drum action with plenty of keeper eaters coming in for anglers fishing live or dead baits- One 50lb BEHEMOTH reported caught and released by a 9 yr old girl – REMEMBER- ALL drum under 14″ and over 30″ MUST be released.  NO TAGGING. ( Limits- 5 per day at 15- 30″)

GAFF-TOP SLOW . Intracoastal canal best bet with squid best bait. (Limits-14″ minimum no creel limit).

Sand/Gulf Trout – Sandy’s are hitting but very few.  Most whiting being caught are mistaken for sand trout. (No limits).

Whiting/Croaker– Very good golden croaker and whiting action for anglers fishing dead shrimp and cut-baits. (No Limits).

Crabbing – Bay side producing good crabbing for family fun and suppers- (Blue limits- must be 5inches across carapace(point to point). No creel limits, BUT ALL SPONGE CRABS (egged females) MUST BE RELEASED.

Stone Crabs- largest claw is kept ONLY if two are present- kept claw must be 2 ½ “from the knuckle.

Shark – Quite a few small bonnet and black tips in surf with some keeper tips to 30″.(Limit- 1 at 24″)

Special note– For updated fishing reports go to Face Book of Miss Nancy’s Bait Camp or call 484-560-9323.

Tides for Rollover Pass starting with July 9, 2012

Day High Tide Height Sunrise Moon Time % Moon

/Low Time Feet Sunset Visible

M 9 High 12:11 AM 0.9 6:22 AM Set 12:18 PM 71

9 Low 6:13 AM 0.7 8:19 PM

9 High 11:37 AM 1.1

9 Low 7:44 PM 0.4

Tu 10 High 11:36 AM 1.1 6:23 AM Rise 12:10 AM 61

10 Low 8:29 PM 0.3 8:19 PM Set 1:12 PM

W 11 High 11:36 AM 1.1 6:23 AM Rise 12:44 AM 52

11 Low 9:13 PM 0.1 8:19 PM Set 2:05 PM

Th 12 High 8:02 AM 1.2 6:24 AM Rise 1:19 AM 42

12 Low 9:56 PM 0.1 8:18 PM Set 2:59 PM

F 13 High 8:38 AM 1.3 6:24 AM Rise 1:57 AM 33

13 Low 10:38 PM 0.0 8:18 PM Set 3:51 PM

Sa 14 High 9:09 AM 1.3 6:25 AM Rise 2:38 AM 24

14 Low 11:19 PM 0.0 8:18 PM Set 4:44 PM

Su 15 High 9:36 AM 1.3 6:26 AM Rise 3:23 AM 17

15 8:17 PM Set 5:34 PM

M 16 Low 12:00 AM -0.1 6:26 AM Rise 4:11 AM 10

16 High 9:55 AM 1.3 8:17 PM Set 6:23 PM

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