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I Hate International Flights

Georgia's Sand BucketBy Georgia Osten
Hi, my name is Texas, and I’m a yellow lab. I’ve been living in TelAviv for the last two years with my family and my adopted brother, Knight (a black lab). Well, actually we adopted him a few years before we went to Israel. He’s really awesome, sometimes he gets scared, but when he’s around me, he’s okay. We’ve lived in a lot of different states, but this was the first time to live in another country. I remember when our Mom put us on the plane to go to Israel. She spent a lot of time working on our kennels to make them more comfortable for us. The only thing was, that we couldn’t have any water in our kennel. We got plenty thirsty.

I don’t really remember the first flight very well, I guess I wiped it outta my mind. So, I didn’t really think much of it when they put me and Knight on the flight a few days ago to come back. They did tell us that Dad would meet us in the States, he was on the same plane as us. He got to sit up with the rest of the people, but we had to ride down where all the luggage is. Too bad Knight couldn’t share the kennel with me, I’ll bet he misses me.

When we got to Germany, we were put into another plane’s baggage compartment and we didn’t take off again until the next morning. Gee, sure would’ve been good to have a drink and dinner. Sure would’ve been great to go outside to the restroom. I sure don’t remember it taking so long last time.

Finally, I guess we’ve made it to Houston. They’re unloading us and taking us to something called Customs. But where’s our Dad?

After our Dad got his luggage and something to use to cut the zip ties off our kennels, there he was! Oh, I could hear my brother’s tail wagging and banging into his kennel. Dad got me out first, I couldn’t wait to see him, I think I had a tiny accident before I got out. Then, he cut Knight out. Oh, thank goodness we made it, we were both so happy to see Dad. I hope Mom and my kids are alright, I know they miss us terribly.

Mom has been keeping Grandma informed on what’s happening minute by minute. I’ll bet she’s crying – she always does.

Uncle Matthew is here to pick us all up to take us to PawPaw. Then, PawPaw will take us to the beach to see Grandma and our cousin, Maezy. It will be so much fun to be with them for a little while until our family can move back to the good ol’  US of A!

God Bless America!


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3 Responses to “I Hate International Flights”

  1. melba stiefel says:

    Welcome to Texas. Hope you enjoy your time at the beach and make mancy friends. I’m sure Maezy will introduce you around. I enjoyed your detailed information about your trip. It made me cry, I can’t imagine all the emotions you and your brother went through. We hope to meet you on the beach and introduce to our
    GiGi. Welcome to Texas.

  2. Linda C Elissalde says:

    Welcome home, Texas and Knight! I have never been on an airplane, but can tell from you great narrative that I it is an experience I do not care to have. You will really like it in Crystal Beach. I might see you sometime by the shore. I will give you a friendly,” WOOF”.

    By the way, there are a lot of good places to sniff while you visit.

    Emma G. Elissalde

  3. The Mom says:

    Well yes, I’m crying…even more so now after reading Texas’ story. Please give my pups a few extra love snuggles from Mom and their kids. We sure do miss them lots!

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