This is a static archive of taken on October 30, 2024.
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Why is it?

cbyusBy Charlotte Byus
This morning I said, “you can turn off the TV” and he said “it is not bothering me.” I guess I should have said “turn that damn thing off,” that is more manly, to the point! Why do we crazy women think we need to chat with a man/husband as we would another woman? Apparently we should just say in as few words as possible what we need or want. None of the please and thank you with a great big false smile. That even confuses our beloved male-better-halves more. Of course, being married for over 50 years, I should already know this and should have learned from Venus and Mars years ago. But, I guess I have gone back to old habits.

It rates right up there with “that thing in the car that keeps making funny noises is doing it again.” What thing? Well the one that goes bang, chunk over and over. What? You know, that thingamabob that is near the engine that scoops up all the air. Or, maybe it is closer to the place where you put oil or coolant stuff. You Know?!? By now, he is looking at me like a young pup with it’s head cocked side-ways. At that point, I realize I have lost him. What I am incapable of knowing is that I never made any sense to him to start with. So I try again, Stupid Me … You know, that big round thing in the middle of the engine, or maybe it is closer to the back? To this explanation, he said, “back of what?”

Grrrrrr! Silly man! “You know, back of the engine area, under the hood!”

God Love Him. He says, “ok let’s start over, ok?” Well no, because I have already said it three or four times. Stop now, Stupid Woman! You are going to make this worse and nothing will get fixed because both of you will just need to walk away. Why is it, I don’t know how.

Hope I have made some of you laugh, or actually chuckle, a little today. Have a great week and please stay safe.


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