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Rollover Pass Fishing Report, Nov 10 – Nov 16, 2014

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
The flounder run is definitely on BUT chilly arctic winds blowing in last week STUNNED the flat-fish, making them bury deep when the water temp dropped 10 degrees. But weekend tides coming from warmer bay waters helped recover the flounder for another run. Bull-Reds and Bull-Drum were active and speckled trout are popping pods of

shrimp coming through the pass to the gulf. Trout slicks are showing up, marking the active feeding areas. Another cold front due by this writing keep any predictions of a flounder run seriously in doubt.

click here for this week’s Fishing Pictures

Speckled Trout
Mostly day-shift action as specks feed on the pods of shrimp coming thru the pass; watch for top-water or trout slick action.
(Limit: 15 inch minimum for 10 trout with only one 25 inch trout per day allowed as part of your daily limit)

Redfish (Red Drum)
Reds still active in the cut but the bigger bulls are in the surf.
(Limit: 20 inch minimum to 28 inch maximum for 3 reds per day – one over 28 inch red -plus bonus red- allowed when properly tagged in addition to your 3 fish limit)

Black Drum
Drum still active in cut with a few bulls showing up now and then .
(Limit: 14 inch minimum to 30 inch maximum for 5 fish per day with one OVER 52 inches allowed)

Good runs when weather and water conditions allow.
(Limit: Saturday Nov-1st the daily limit is just two flounder daily – 4 possession limit)

Slow but active.
(Limit: 15 inch minimum with 5 per day Creel)

Gafftop Catfish
(Limit: 14 inch minimum for no limit creel)

Great whiting in surf; Croaker are few but large.
(No Limits)

Good size sandies being caught in cut.
(No Limits)

Blue Claw Crab
(Limit: 5 inches between points with no berry crabs (females with eggs) allowed)

Stone Crabs
(Limit: only right claw may be kept when 2-1/2 inches above first Knuckle)

This report sponsored by
Miss Nancy’s Bait Camp
Crystal Beach Local News
The Beach Triton

Tides for Rollover Pass, East Bay TX starting Nov 18, 2014.

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