Flamingo Flocking was wildly successful and we met so many wonderful community members. Thank you Bolivar Peninsula! Our flamingos need to migrate…we have decided to sell the flocking birds! $12.00 will get you a pair of the high quality birds we flocked with. You may contact Yvonne VanZandt by Facebook or yvanza@aol.com if you are interested in a pair of your very own flocking flamingos.
The faster we sell them, the better your chances are of NOT having them appear in your yard in the spring, lol!. I have a victim in mind for receiving their very own flock! THANKS!
I would like to purchase 2 pairs of flamingos. Where do I send the money? I will be there in April, and I can pick them up or I will pay to have them shipped. Thanks!
Hey Hey paula, I hope I have it right, but I lost contact with a person of your name in USA