(8-9-2022) Saturday’s rains kicked off the First Annual ’New’ Bolivar Peninsula Golf Cart Poker Run. After weeks and weeks of dry weather, everyone welcomed the rain and it didn’t disappoint the event. The Poker Run started at Jose’s Cantina as 482 poker players checked in with their first card in hand. They moseyed on over to Hardheads for card number two. As the game was played, the judges walked along the rows and rows of carts to select the three best decorated carts.
At 9:30am on the dot, the parade of 182 carts left Jose’s and Hardheads, across the highway and on to the beach for a short ride to Tiki Beach Bar & Grill for stop #3. While at Tiki, the rain fell again, but it didn’t dampen anyone’s spirits. By the third card, some players knew they had a good hand, and others knew they didn’t…let the bluffing begin. When the final rain passed, it was clear skies the rest of the day.
After Tiki, on to the Eagles for card #4, more fun, and their signature jello shots to top it off. The final stop was Stingaree! Players drew their final card and settled in for the live auction. Auctioneer Big Daddy Flanagan reminded everyone that all funds raised were donated to the local schools and fire departments. Thousands of dollars were raised thanks to more than 30 sponsor donated items, and the generosity of the bidders. After the auction, the winners were announced (see below).
Many thanks go to Jeff Cunningham for his determination and dedication to make this event happen, and successfully! Thank you to the host establishments who were willing to welcome the nearly 500 partiers, to all the volunteers who gave their time, to all the generous sponsors, and to every one of the participants who braved the rain for this good cause.

Diane Ward had the Best Poker Hand with a full house.

Ricky Knight from Arkansas won the Traveled Furthest award

Team Groovy won the award for Largest Group

First Place – Best Decorated Cart: The Peace Train

Second Place – Best Decorated Cart: The Bolivar Queen

Third Place – Best Decorated Cart: The Mermaids
Thanks everyone for a wonderful event. Carlis Cole